PEACE by Kristen Heitzmann

angel - CopyIn this season of glad tidings, hope, and generosity, it is especially tragic when forces of hate and destruction are loosed on a society established under God, a free society that yearns to welcome outcasts, to extend grace and understanding to all. As we wait in joyful anticipation for the revelation of Christ made manifest in the world, for his kingdom to shine on Earth as it does in Heaven, how sorrowful it is that darkness grows in peoples’ hearts and minds, in their indoctrinations and actions.

The song says: Peace on Earth, goodwill to men. But Scripture says: Peace on Earth to men of goodwill. God knows there can be no peace for people who hate, no peace between those who desire the destruction of others. Peace comes in the birth of a child, an infant who is God humbling himself to walk among us. He knows our sorrows, the loss of life taken by violent criminals, of life snatched from the womb, of life ended in hopeless suicide. He knows our joys, a hand reaching out to one in need, a life saved through grace and prayer. He knows our needs, our dreams. He blesses our efforts, no matter how feeble.

This is a God of peace in a world of turmoil, a God for whom every life is precious, every life is known and counted. He longs for every soul to be his own, for every mind to turn from evil to righteousness. He hungers for our rebirth as the Madonna hungered to see the face of her baby, Jesus.

What would that world look like? The lion and the lamb nestled together. The angels sing: Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Transform our world. Transform our hearts. Let darkness fall to light revealed in each and every soul, Christ shining in the night. Hallelujah!

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1 Response to PEACE by Kristen Heitzmann

  1. Vicki Hinze says:

    Lovely post. Lovely…

    Liked by 1 person

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